On-Going Programs

On-Going Programs

This page provides a list of all the projects happening at CIG’s DAO. Displayed through Notion, these projects are understood within a certain context, while already having some community support and a designated contributor responsible for ensuring the progress of the project.

Summary and description of project advancement.

  • The icon 🎯 represents a milestone event for a task phase that requires the team to keep an eye on the progress of the task.
  • Icon ⭐ represents the corresponding department leader** He/She should deliver the project specific plan.**
  • The chart ❓ represents that the matter is still unclear** and needs to be discussed and determined.
  • The first column "Task Description" briefly describes the task and in the same column labeled "Notes" redirects you to the task description so you can see more detailed instructions.
  • Please write the task points in the "Notes" column of the "Project Progress Summary" and mark them in red.
  • After the task is completed, please change the status to "done".

本页面提供了 CIG DAO 所有发生的项目。 通过 Notion 展示,这些项目在一定范围内被理解,同时已经得到了一些社区支持,并且有指定的贡献者负责确保项目的进展。


  • 图标🎯代表该事项为一个任务阶段的里程碑事件,需要团队时刻注意该事项进度
  • 图标⭐代表对应部门leader应交付该项目的具体规划
  • 图表❓代表该事项还有未明确的内容,亟待讨论和确定
  • 首列“任务描述”简单描述任务项,同一列的“备注”以及打开任务描述能看到更详细的说明
  • 任务卡点请写在“项目推进总表”的“备注”里,并标红即可
  • 任务项完成之后请把状态改为“done”
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